Tag: Bible

A New Gift from God

Nearly ten years ago, I had several friends encourage me to write a blog. My reaction? Who, me?? I got a new gift from God that I didn’t even recognize.Well, fast forward to today. I’ve written over 400 blog posts...

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working the right angle

Jesus had a way of working the right angle. The story of Jesus’ life is literally weaved together with seemingly endless challenges. He inspires me because He always… provided the right answer… responded with...

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Old Bible Words

Just a brief random thought today… The King James Version of the Bible has been around for a while, since 1611… it’s old, but in a good way. I’ve been reading it more lately, but when I first picked it...

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Authentic Connections

My friends have been absolutely amazing this week.  I’m so thankful for their loving support, encouragement, and keeping me grounded and accountable. Even the one I asked to take me out back and beat me with a baseball...

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Daily Devotionals for Kids

Daily devotionals are an excellent way to learn about God, Faith and Life. Our children also eat this stuff up! CBH Ministeries is one of my favorites for little ones, they’re just for kids and include relevant lessons,...

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Walking around with Paul

“Let’s take a walk”… If the apostle Paul said this to you, you had better put on your good walking shoes. I’ve been reading through the second half of the Book of Acts and it’s mainly about the apostle Paul’s...

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Change in the Weather

When we truly believe someone has our best interest in mind, we’re wide open to their influence… and that’s the basis of Christianity. The foundation of our entire life experience is the key. Not just Follow and Believe....

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