I believe that everyone is a creative.

Often when we think of creatives we think of artists and writers… however, we all use creativity in a unique way when we apply our gifts. For instance, if your gift is to serve, you might think outside the box and commit a random act of kindness… show God’s love, hope and compassion to a homeless person on the street… giving them your time and encouragement… listening to their needs, helping them and praying with them. You’ve just completely changed this person’s day… creating a loving environment… maybe even reconnecting a lost soul to the body. Post it on your Facebook status if you like… or just give Him all the glory and keep moving and grooving on your blessed day!

I wrote about creativity a while ago… What Pings Your Creative Juice?… got some excellent feedback and comments on that one. Since then, quite a lot has changed for me personally…

Change… I’ve found it to be refreshing…

Your environment… I believe we are all different when it comes to our tastes… styles… preferences… “beauty is within the eyes of the beholder” right?

The bottom line… here is this:

The majesty of a glowing light shines from within.

Much like the story of resilience paints the picture of a persons’ resolve, every environment is framed in darkness… or light… or some shade of grey… what does yours look like?

What makes your creative juice flow? I looked back on my thoughts and the comments… the juice that makes creativity flow is from either change or the environment.

A lot has changed for me… while much of my personal life is just that… very personal… I will share with you that I am extremely grateful for where I am today… I continue to be inspired by life itself… and so I’m grateful for those experiences along the way that have brought me to this amazing present-day… and while I continue to experiment with adapting my creativity through enormous changes… new environments… and sharing what I learn along the way…

I’ll continue to talk to strangers…

write with a real pencil…

yearn for sunrises…

savor those first few moments upon awakening…

act like a kid…

live life…



yep, just love…

Are you experiencing change now? How is it helping you grow? Are there environmental factors that support your creativity?