Having a vivid imagination is a pretty awesome blessing. One of my all-time favorite creatives of all time is Gary Larson. Gary wrote The Far Side… I could relate… usually. I guess the fact that much of his humor was surreal appealed to me… that, and I guess I’m a little bit off on the far side too. Occasionally, he would catch me though and I wouldn’t have a clue what he was getting at. I mean, how did he come up with some of this stuff? I’m sure Larson had an angle for the outrageous material that he came up with.

I believe there is “a Larson” in all of us… that we all have a niche… that everyone has a story to tell… a creative. One that is captivating and worthwhile… one that will turn heads and open minds. How do you find yours? How can you be a great storyteller?

Tell a story about something that you know really well… or tell a story about something that you’re really passionate about.

How do I do that?

Here are 2 ideas…

  • Write about your journey. 


  • Write about your passions.

Here are a few examples of folks I see doing this really well…

Scott Kerzner (aka Skotty Dog) is one that really inspires… his blog, In Due Season, is centered on his family’s financial journey… from -$100,000 to back in the black. Scott’s inspiring story is honest and transparent!

Christine Niles is making a difference in the world today by sharing her story and hope for the fatherless children of the world at River of Thoughts. Her story is very real as they have adopted two girls from the Ukraine!

Dan Black does a smoking good job with leadership at his blog, Dan Black On Leadership. One of the keys for Dan, to me anyway, is his servant attitude… he really goes all out to help his readers grow… serve… and lead!

Joe Lalonde is my all around guy… he’s got spunk! Joe’s blog, Joseph Lalonde, is about life… and Joe writes it well. Joe is an excellent storyteller, and I’ve learned a lot from him about building community.

So how does this storytelling work? Well, it comes from God… it comes from the heart. Once you start you’ll find that there are plenty of other people out there that will benefit from your testimony, or story. You’ll get in a groove, network and build a community… sometimes it’s completely unpredictable… that, in itself, is at times breathtaking!

Perhaps the most awesome part of doing this is that you may just find yourself… and your ministry… that’s sort of what happened to me when a few friends suggested that I had a knack for writing… a heart for God… and a story worth telling… I never knew!

“Who Me?” Yep, you too… give it a whirl…. and don’t forget to write with a servant’s spirit… that will go far in helping others… which should be our goal in living a Be Great life, right?