Is your tree bearing fruit?

Are you one of those sappy, sentimental people who lives for making beautiful memories? I know I am! To me, good memories are the lifeblood of living in the positive… they provide vitality to everyday events… events that we may take for granted or completely miss if we don’t know how to be ready for them.

How to make a perfect memory? Well, I believe you can’t really plan one… you have to be ready for one.

Here are 2 easy suggestions…

  • Build margin into your day. Easier said than done? Maybe. That depends a great deal on your priorities… each and every one of us could fill up our days to overflowing with to-do items, for sure. Identifying the most important and significant priorities will allow you to build an appropriate level of margin into your day… that way, when an opportunity to savor a perfect memory comes up, you’re ready. How do I build more margin in my life? Michael Hyatt’s blog post from yesterday shares some excellent ideas.
  • Being readily available with a fruity outlook. A fruity outlook? Yep, you heard right… a fruity outlook! If you maintain living in the Fruit of the Spirit… with a life centered on Him and abundant with joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control… then you have a fruity outlook.

How do we get that fruity good stuff?

Jesus said, “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15: 4-5

How we live our lives is paramount to creating spontaneous and beautiful memories… because living a life of loving Jesus… for Him… remembering Him… and growing in Him is the way to the Fruit of the Spirit… and to fabulous, breathtaking memories!

I believe that if we just do these 2 things we’re set up to make perfect memories… and to live a life of exuberance!

Do you have margin and a fruity outlook today? How do you build these in your life?