finish line“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

It’s the 4th quarter…

It’s time to finish strong…

I have an awesome friend Carol Peterson who is a planner. I generally like to have a plan too but not quite like Carol. She makes a plan, fine tunes it, reviews it, tweaks it, lives it, modifies as needed. Oh yes, then there is the quarterly review… just when I’m nodding off Carol reminds me to review my plan. I’m sure as I consider the next few words of this post she’s already working on “the plan post” for the first of the year. I like that about Carol… one of the many things that helps to keep me on my toes.

Well I think this has been a pretty good year. I published my 4th book, The Wellspring Of Life. This was my baby from the very beginning. Not too long thereafter… everything changed. God spoke to me through a friend and… chicka boom chicka boom… new opportunities blossomed.

I picked up a part-time job at my church. Geology? No, still doing that but this is in Information Technology… yep yep yep I learned a bit of how to do I.T. along the way. And the writing? Lordy yes, I’ve been at that too… writing content at church and ghost writing on environmental issues to boot. Plus finishing up my 5th book about finding your calling…

Needless to say I’m pretty stoked to settle back into a groove. But before I do I’m going to rework my websites… just like I’ve reworked my schedule! Yep, all 3 of my URL’s. My goal is to have that done by the first of the year. I’m counting on Carol and my other writer friends to encourage me and hold me accountable. Praise God! And I’ll need prayers from all of you as I have no idea what this is going to look like at the moment… just that it is time to finish strong…

How will you be “finishing strong” this year?

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