I finally finished this book and must say that it’s very well written. Started it with our small group from Church and have missed our gatherings the past couple of weeks so I blazed ahead on my own.

The Sacred Romance by John Eldredge and Brent Curtis.  A journey of the heart. And how we get lost in the woods along the way. The heart is the key to our spiritual journey, and many of us seem to get lost in this world, substituting the love of God with the things of this world. “The God who saves is also a God who woos His own to a relationship primarily of the heart. As we draw closer to Him, we must choose to let go of other less-wild lovers, such as perfectionistic driveness and self-indulgence. Eldredge and Curtis identify the lies offered by false loves and instruct us on the journey back to the Lover of our souls. In carefully crafted words and images, the authors entice the reader to his or her own journey of the heart, promising, it is possible to recover the lost life of our heart and with it the intimacy, beauty, and adventure of life with God.”

I found myself having to reread several of the chapters to absorb the information, which is fine. I also found myself at times somewhat discouraged. I really didn’t find the book as inspirational as most that I tend to read, and would add that it is very realistic. It is loaded with John and Brent’s real-life stories of the trials and detours that we take along the way to finding the heart of God. Maybe I’ve shared many of these and have been so focused on the road ahead that I haven’t reflected on them recently. So I did – and have found that it has drawn me in closer to God. Which has been very enlightening in itself?

Thirsty hearts are those whose longing have been weakened by the touch of God within them – A.W. Tozer.

Where are you finding yourself in this journey?