The Quintessential Christian?

Quintessential – representing the perfect example of a class or quality.

Example: “Everybody thinks of him as the quintessential church boy?”

I would hope the quintessential christian would be a draw… someone who is real… human… a dude who is a magnet, drawing others into the church and close to Jesus.

What does he (or she) look like?

When we think of his outward appearance it may be very different for each of us…

at first glance maybe he’s just another face in the crowd…

when you start to get to take a closer look and really get to know him you might being to see something more…

you may realize there is something quite different about this dude…

you may look at him now and…

admire him…

adore him…

respect him…

and be curious…

what’s up with this dude?

He is different…

but why…

and how…


gentle… and at the same time firm.




a servant…

and maybe just one more thing…

he is oh so not perfect…

does that bother you?

it shouldn’t.

What do you see when you envision The Quintessential Christian?