Going Up?

The Hydrologic Cycle And Your Heart is a 6-post series about some of the choices we make and how they affect our heart. Please check out the other posts in this series here…

There are two “Going Up” processes in the hydrologic cycle:

Evaporation – Vaporization of a liquid from the surface of the liquid into the atmosphere. Evaporation usually requires energy… this energy is supplied by the sun in our environment. Vaporization is liquid on the rise… it’s going up!

Transpiration – The “giving off” of water vapor by plants into the atmosphere. Transpiration is plant sweat. Plants receive something in exchange for their sticky sweat… cooling off and carbon dioxide. In that regard, their sweat is a sweet exchange for other goodness that they need.

Both evaporation and transpiration involve water vapor heading to the clouds… it’s goodness on the rise.

I think of E/T as what we’re sharing from the heart…

Within me, I can think of similar process…

What’s the vibe my heart is giving off?

What is leaving my heart and going up…

Up to my mind?

Up to my soul?

… and what is radiating out of my heart, mind and soul…

going up… or giving off from my presence to my surroundings…

what do I reflect to the other people around me, and to my environment…

what does the wave of my presence look like…

a warm smile and friendly greeting…

an optimistic outlook…


abundant fruit…


going up / give off…

What’s around you?

What’s heading to the clouds…

and what are you sharing?

Going up may require some energy… or some sweat… and, like E/T, this is an exchange…

when you’re giving up goodness there’s something delightful coming back your way…