First day on the job was yesterday… I started serving at Church in a new capacity, as the Stage Manager. On the first Sunday of each month I have a new list of stuff to do… it seems to be mainly helping the producer from across the auditorium, preparing for and to make sure that things go smoothly during the service; troubleshooting the backstage issues (sound, lighting, music and mikes); rustling up the band or pastor and cueing them to the stage; running the green room; and attending the production meeting; I even got a 10-second stage debut… grabbing the worship leader’s mike stand!!

Dress code: black shirt and blue jeans. Lots of wires and gadgets.

One really cool part of this is that it goes from sleepy-quiet to a 3-alarm fire in a snap… best be on your toes back there!!

I especially enjoyed spending time with the band! I think they helped me yesterday more than I helped them. A fun group of people to serve with.

This was completely new to me, I’ve been serving on the host committee and helping with the setup/breakdown of the kids environments since arriving at Access Church last fall. I’m sticking with this on the third Sunday of each month. I love both of these too, the host committee is all about welcoming the regulars, newcomers and guests. Setup/breakdown is even fun here… we have an awesome group of people at Church – Fully Involved and Passionate about Serving the Lord!!

Serving… just do it!! I love it, front to back.