A mountain stream passed the house that we visited in rural Kentucky. This is the homestead of Grammy Ann’s family. I think it’s actually older than the hills. A very cool place.
Rachael and Allie, my “little girls,” love going there. It’s one of those special places where you can feel the heritage when you visit… the old house smell, a coal cellar, ancient artifacts from days gone by that seem a world away today… and a mountain stream that timelessly passes. The passage of water within the stream seems to continue irregardless of whatever else is going on in the world. Sure, there are seasonal changes in the water flow, and short-term bursts after a heavy downpour… but Rachael will tell you “The Water In A Hurry” is the same today as it was when we first talked about it when she was 5 years old.
I remember vividly walking down to the stream with her at that time… nothing really on our agenda, except maybe finding a cool rock or two, throwing stones into the stream to hear the ker-plunk as they landed in a deep pool carved by erosion in the streambeds’ sediment… and on that day I posed the question: That water in the stream sure does seem to be in a hurry, where do you think it’s going Rachael?
She pondered the thought…
I could tell that her childhood imagination was at work…
she could see that the water was obviously going SOMEWHERE…
but where exactly was it going?
and why?
whenever I think back to this I remember that the water in a hurry is more about the journey than the actual destination…
I explained to Rachael that day the journey the water travelled…
from the mountain stream that we looked at…
making a soothing sound as it rapidly passed by the rocks of time…
onward to a bigger stream, then adding its volume to a river that possibly meandered through an open plain…
onward again until it finally reached a destination…
the ocean…
but then it evaporated, became rainfall and the whole cycle started over again.
When I think back to that day, spending time with Rachael and Allie, I am overcome with the feelings of love…
how the water flowing within the stream is like the blood in our veins…
the nourishment of life that feeds our heart like the love of God that feeds our soul…
“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters” Isaiah 55:1
To me, being thirsty for more God is simply about being in a growing relationship with Him. We’re all in a different part of the journey.
Can you say that your relationship with God is growing? What changes could you make today to make that happen?
This post is an addition to the Going Places series. Going Places is the blog series focusing on where God is leading us. It may include travel destinations, but doesn’t have to. This series is open to guest bloggers. If you would like to submit a guest post please contact me.