The Wellspring – pouring into it so it will be good to the last drop!
I’m down to writing the last chapter of The Wellspring Of Life. That in and of itself is pretty exciting in my little world, but I’m finding it so fitting and meaningful at Christmas this year because this chapter is all about Jesus. The Man at the well handing out the living water, the place where we ultimately find fulfillment in a way that only a relationship with Jesus can provide.
The Bible is laced with symbolism and metaphors related to water and the blessing that it provides. Life grew out of and is sustained by water. Our lives are abundantly fruitful like the tree planted next to the stream when we delight in, apply and live by God’s wisdom. He leads us to and provides the still waters that will protect us from harm and restore us when we go astray. We find eternal life and love through the streams of water that our soul thirsts for. We can and should share this water with everyone, both good and evil, and God will reward us. The Book of Ecclesiastes says we are to “cast our bread upon the waters” – meaning life will provide both risk and reward, and that we must seize them both as opportunities. Love is the action verb of the heart, a perfect gift from above and one that we can only learn from God and live out when it flows like a river of water unconditionally from our hearts. Praise God, this water of life is drawn from the well of salvation.
This title sprouted and blossoms from Proverbs 4:23 – Guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. I attempt to unlock the power of this verse with a bank of knowledge that comes from The Bible in pitch perfect harmony with an education and career as a Geologist working in Environmental and Water Resources Consulting.
The bloody organ we call the heart pumps life through our veins like Jesus offers hope for our souls. While I started this book several years ago somehow I knew it wasn’t time to finish it. I wasn’t ready and still had much to learn. While I hope to be learning much more along my journey, now is the time and I’m targeting to polish this one up and release it in mid-February.
I’m pretty stoked about this book because I believe it is needed, unique and will add value to anyone who is interested in self-improvement; anyone who is interested in improving their relationships with other people; and anyone who cares to make the most of what this life has to offer. Yep, I’ve poured my cup into this one.
Do you have a favorite Bible verse related to water or the heart?
Congratulations on getting close to the end of your book!
My favorite verse about water is when Jesus turned it into wine at the wedding. My personal and totally irrelevant theology is that Jesus’ wine was “sparkling wine”–or champagne–because it was a wedding and because champagne is the “best” wine IMO. Yes, I told you it was an irrelevant theology…
Well that is a bubbly thought Carol!! 🙂