You just knew I’d still be oh so stuck on that 4-letter word… L-O-V-E… and not just as a noun but an action verb, shouting it from the treetops, ALFRESCO, like blowing a vuvuzela that can be heard round the world. All for the love of the one and only Him-ness. The love of our youth! I’m in a serious bromance with Jesus. Go ahead, sniff my ear and you’ll find a prayful pup wagging his tail.

Now, while preserving that puppy love thought read Psalm 103, about God’s great love for us:

“God forgives all our sins,

Heals all our diseases,

Redeems our life from the pit,

And crowns us with love and compassion,

He satisfies our desires with good things,

So that our youth is renewed like eagles…”

The psalmist David’s list continues…

And tells us what God is really like…

Really like a puppy in love…

Breathing that puppy breath all over us!!!

Praise the Lord, and Happy Monday.