Leaving The Door Open is having an open and receptive heart to hearing and following God’s lead.

God looks at our hearts as well as our deeds… that which is seen and unseen… and He works in wonderful ways… we never know what the next miracle is that God will work in our world.

The story of King David was one of Leaving The Door Open. When God instructed Samuel to anoint David, He was looking at David’s faith and character…

“The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7.

David showed his faith and character when he followed God’s lead…. he displayed an open and receptive heart, and completely trusted in God to make the situation right with Saul… and his people. David displayed incredible courage, not cowardice, in doing what he knew was right… and Leaving The Door Open.

If my heart is right with God, then my relationships with other people are right too. If I feel a relationship isn’t right with someone I should go to them and attempt to make it right. If I can’t then I know that I have tried… and that I am always Leaving The Door Open… and that I have an open and receptive heart to hearing and following God’s lead.

How do you feel about Leaving The Door Open?