2 months into this blog-o-sphere and thought I would try to reflect on it for a moment…
Is it still fun? Yep, very much so. It’s flowing from God and it is fun and still effortless. Think of me as just a messenger, trying to carry out His work and help build up His community.
Trying to keep it upbeat, positive and inspiring: Everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle… hoping this place is helpful… for all of us!
There are lots of ideas running through my head that I don’t write about, trying my best to stick to the subject matter, or categories, and follow the wisdom of other bloggers that lead in how it’s done, like Michael Hyatt, one of my personal favorites.
I do glance at the statistics on the visitors and can see there are a lot of folks reading it, not a bunch of comments, but folks from all over the world are reading and coming back for more – very humbling to know that!
To my friends that have encouraged me to do it: I’m very thankful. On with the blogging…