Our Greatest Gift

Our greatest gift… how do you zero in on that question?

If I spend time thinking about it here is what I come up with:

I believe the greatest gift we ever received was Jesus.

He came here for one reason…

we all fall short of God’s glory, and the only way we can have a relationship with Him is through the forgiveness that He gave us when Jesus died a horrid death on the cross. We can’t earn this right standing, we all fall short. We have a right standing through one thing… through faith! God gave it to us freely. It’s available to everyone equally. When this sinks into your heart you are transformed.

Hands down… without question… the greatest gift we ever received was Jesus.

Often when I think of gifts part of that vision includes the stuff I want…

Often I think of me (just sayin’).

One of my favorite prayers is The Prayer Of St. Francis

… for it is in giving that we receive…

Giving… and gifts…

Spiritual gifts…

“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received” (1 Peter 4:10).

This verse and the whole concept within it is incredibly huge!

Talents, and gifts, are not necessarily the same thing.

He gave us these gifts to share, to perform together as if in one body.

This one body is made up of many parts, many parts that are working together.

Spiritual gifts…

Do you know yours?

How to find it?

Here’s a lead… as your 5 closest friends what they think your spiritual gift is and see what they say. You may be surprised. I was. I took my gift for granted. Lots of people do. It’s so incredibly obvious they don’t recognize it… or use it to God’s glory.

The coolest thing about these gifts is how our gifts combined fit together… like puzzle pieces. Your gift is going to be very different from mine. If we are working together as a team our gifts will push us ahead orders of magnitude beyond what we could accomplish on our own. That’s pretty heavy… and heavenly!

This holiday season, I hope to focus on the gift that I have received…

This holiday season, I hope to focus on being a good steward…

This holiday season, I hope to focus on giving.

What is your spiritual gift?

What one thing can you do this year for Christmas that is a special way to celebrate Jesus’ birthday?

Our Greatest Gift… will you unwrap it this holiday season?