Good advice I received from a few key folks early on in this writing journey:
“Write – A lot!!”
I did just that, and tried to nurture the ability with some much needed seasoning.
Cultivating – The process of preparing… getting ready.
A lot of people just spent a lot of time writing a lot of material on the internet. OK, so the novelty wore off… the dogma has changed a little. We saw this coming? Yea, I think so. Many people did.
So what’s next?
For me, I’m Just Thinkin’ is the proving ground for my thoughts, and ideas. Will certain ideas fly? Success here can be an indicator, a place to find out. My place is more about trying to inspire others, branding me, and about my daily walk, or journey. It doesn’t all end up here, but it hopefully has an impact.
Getting into the new groove: The most important to do item to adjust to the new normal. Our world is continually changing. We have to adjust… or find a new groove all the time. Realistically, social media is still relatively new. What worked yesterday will not be working tomorrow. This process is accelerated in areas where the dogma is evolving. What makes sense to one tribesman will likely not work for all the rest, maybe only a few. I think of a tribe as place where we can come together and find tremendous insight through of the diversity. That’s great!!
“Begin with the end in mind” Covey
The single most important task for me to do when I’m feeling overwhelmed and need to adjust to the new normal… pause. The value of social media decreases if it takes away from you effectively reaching your goal.
From cultivating to captivating…
I’ve been thinking. A lot. Maybe it’s time to say something more…
Captivating…Â Â to attract and hold by charm, beauty or excellence.
I guess in may ways that is the litmus test for creative people… saying more by thinkin’ less. That’s a part of this transition, from cultivating the skill to captivating it and producing something of value. Hopefully along the way we create something of great value.
Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put My Spirit within you. (Ezekiel 36:26-27)
I read something really interesting in my daily devotional this morning, Oswald Chambers about how some of our experiences are really not meant for us at all. When we come to the place of enlightenment, we find out what God really had in store. What His will is… like every cloud has a silver lining. Here’s an example: Suppose that God has put a difficult person in your life. Maybe this is someone who works in your office, your boss, or even a close relative. Someone, for whatever reason, you can’t just move out of your path, like if you had a choice you may choose as a wise decision, to limit your exposure to this person. A decision that could be made, and one that would improve your world. But, in this case, still, there they are. Front and center on a regular basis.
Jesus was sort of in this scenario. Quite frequently, right? What did He do?
Jesus said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” John 13:15
He showed us countless captivating examples. He could have done whatever He wanted to. In John Chapter 13 He took on the servant attitude, taking off His robe and putting on a towel, and washing the apostles’ feet. I think that He worked this thought both ways… captivating to cultivating… and cultivating to captivating. Think about those people in His path when He doodled in the dirt… what was He doodling anyway? Maybe He was jotting down their sins in the sand. Saying more by thinkin’ less? He didn’t have a whole lot to say that day…
Yep, saying more by thinkin’ less…
Do you have an experience where you feel God may have used you for some other purpose, to His glory, like an experience that wasn’t about you at all?
Image courtesy of xedos4 at
Very thought provoking. I will give this some thinking time today. I doubt that God is about all or nothing; one or the other. Perhaps He means for everyone to learn something about every situation. The learning could be simply–as you stated–“it’s NOT all about me.” Great post, Chris.
I like that Carol, God has something in store for all of us in every situation.
Hi Chris,
The first words in Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life are, “It is not about you.” I think I have told you this before, but there was a show a few years back called Joan of Arcadia. In the show Joan sees God through all different types of people. On one episode, Joan was asked to befriend a thug like character. Her Dad is the chief of police. She asked him to the school dance. When dancing, Joan accidentally tripped and everyone thought he shoved her down. He took off and she ran after him and went with him to a deserted junk yard. The cops (her father) came and he (with a gun) ended up surrendering. When Joan asked God the point, he said that because she went to the dance with him, a future rage of his would have ended up in his killing several students and teachers in a Columbine like event. Sometimes it is just not about us. Maybe His plan for us is to do something that causes someone to be two seconds late for something and by being late, they end up doing something major that hepls do His bidding. Maybe we end up doing His will without even knowing it. Who knows. Sorry for being so long winded.
The Purpose Driven Life is a classic and I love it, but I remember the first time I read it and those words… “It is not about you” – I couldn’t believe it, felt so discouraged! Ha!! Now, everything has changed and makes more sense. Those same words are warm, and loving. I think you’re right, so many times we are doing God’s will and don’t even have a clue I has stories and I’m sure you do to, of people who have crossed paths and we don’t realize it at the time but they were placed there at exactly the right time by God. Incredible how He works, all day every day. Thankful.