Have some now, and save some for later?

Now and Laters – remember this candy from when we were younger? The makers of Now and Laters said you can have some now, AND save some for later. That sounded much better to me than the saying “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

This is one of those Chris-isms… “Always Wanting More”

Do you find that you keep coming back for more when you have people in your world who inspire you, or that you enjoy being around? Those who leave you with a warm, lovely feeling? Maybe you enjoy intriguing conversation, or the same activities. Or you make each other bust up in laughter, and have fun acting goofy together.

Yea, so I have a small collection of these folks in my life. Wow, it’s sort of crazy because it seems like no matter how much time I spend with them, I always feel a little sad when we part company, and I’m always really excited about seeing them again. Maybe for you they’re the folks who you really click with, or your close family.

It’s like Now and Laters – you really can enjoy some now, and save some for later.

Can’t have your cake and eat it too? Maybe. But you can have Now and Laters. And you can also have good people in your life, those who are a joy be around now, and that you yearn for more of their excellent company later.

Always Wanting More… who in your world does this bring to mind?