One good-looking dog!

Looks, as we all well know, are skin deep. The skin is thin… 2 to 3 millimeters… that’s 0.1 inches. Sure, there are other features involved in forming our impression, but the first glance is enormous in determining attraction in the world we live in.

Some of you may be wondering what in the tarnation I’m talking about… The Curse Of Being Attractive. Many have said, “If only I was better looking…”

Attraction… and particularly being attractive to others… can be a blessing and a curse. Consider these two scenario’s…

The 1st Curse: As guys get older they are more attractive to women.

Gee, poor guy, right? I mean, come on Chris, don’t be ridiculous!

Hmmm, think again…

My example: I wonder if Sean Connery gets hit on by many women? Probably women of all ages, right?

I’m sure lots of ladies think it would be just loads of fun to shack up with Sean… but what about Sean? Maybe he’s a Godly man and do gooder… trying to just walk a clean walk down the straight and narrow… and, if it’s even manly to think so, maybe Connery has a tender heart? Plus, he’s married, right? I’m talking Connery here and not the character he portrayed as 007. Obviously Bond is a different sort, one that, by the very nature of his work, would be unfair to think of love and relationship.

If Sean is this sort of good guy, he’s going to have to guard his heart (and marriage!) lest it will be shattered…

and if he, who I’m assuming we would all agree is an attractive older chap, was this man I’ve imagined… he could be be dogged… for life!

Cursed with the force of magnetic attraction.

Forget about Dolce and Gabbana… this guy needs to spray himself with deer scent before venturing out to the grocery store.

Shave? … Not!

B-o-d-y-g-u-a-r-d… Yep. Yep. Yep.

Yep, this curse can work against you, for instance, if you are living in the Lord and focused on doing good things.

Ok, so you’ve got the picture… maybe some of you are still shaking your heads in disbelief… ridiculous!

Fine. It’s all good.

I’m sticking with my notion that Connery is a real, Godly man…

Trust me… it happens…

… on to the second scenario…

The 2nd Curse: As women get older they are less noticed by men.


I know, I said it and I’m a man… please don’t be upset with me, I’m on your side here ladies 🙂

This curse is based on a notion that as women grow older they become less attractive.

Women who once noticed guys looking at them and smiling now can’t catch a glance. While it may have been flattering when they were younger, now they’re riddled with insecurity… continually tidying up… comparing their own looks to those of other women… generally, younger women that they used to resemble… asking their guy LOTS of questions about their weight… clothes… hair…

I can think of women that are considered older and very attractive… I could also come up with a list of older guys that are pretty rugged…

The thin veneer of skin that we project in this world is smooth… then, if I may say so, it eventually turns tough… leathery…

To me personally, the source of attraction to someone of the opposite sex comes from within… and that attraction builds to true intimacy… remember, Up From The Deep…

“While the ripple is a shallow pattern on the surface of the water, it is poetic… a reflection of the deeper character of the fluid… and, in us, our core… where our true identity, character and the level of intimacy that we can attain are defined.”

The ripple that I’m referring to has nothing to do with the appearance of our flesh… it is the source of real attraction and deep, meaningful intimacy. It’s the real person that lives inside each of us… a collection of our experiences… values… dreams… and our heart.

Is this an issue that you’ve seen or struggled with? Can you think of any other “curses of attraction?”