213012319_5396a19210_zHoly cow I haven’t written on here for a long time! God took me on a bit of a tangent for a while. That was great working at my church, and I learned a lot about people and ministry. Oh yeah, and a wee bit more about Information Technology. I felt God nudging me along in a different direction near the end of last year. So I did some thinking and took some action steps to figure out what exactly that would look like.

I sure have missed writing every day. While I looked at several other options, He seems to be intent on making this my full-time gig. So I’m pretty stoked about that. Part of my return to writing full time will involve writing here. That’s right; you can expect regular content on my blog again. I am going to be laser focused on two writing projects here:

  • One of my previous books is pretty short. I have been working on content that will expand that theme, and I will be rebranding the book. Much of the new material will be posted here as I fill in the gaps for the new release.
  • I will also be working on finishing up a new release that is currently 85% written. This one is a blend of my faith story and finding your calling.

Hoping to have both of these finished up before the end of 2016. In the meantime, I am also working on several other projects; freelance writing for sailing magazines (3 articles submitted and ALL accepted so far!), web content, writing copy and paid blogs for other sites. It’s a lot of variety that I thrive on. Plus, BONUS: it’s all transportable!! What’s that mean? Well, I can write from wherever… so I’m thinkin’ Caribbean!! Heck yeah.

I feel a fresh perspective from the time off and glad to be back!

Image courtesy of Ian Kennedy on Flickr