The hurdles to believe... are you taking the next step?

A personal goal for 2012 is to focus on the word believe. Why? It’s one of the most important words in the Bible…

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Our walk to believe is like a series of hurdles…

btw, I see a hurdle as an opportunity… maybe more like a milestone… not that I’m clearing all of my hurdles… no biggie, remember, hurdles are forgiving… you don’t have to clear every one of them to keep moving forward… I’ve only cleared some of mine… however… I keep advancing toward the finish line… doing my very best and giving it all I’ve got!

The hurdles to believe… maybe we cross the first one when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Another is our public profession of faith, our Baptism. From there, the journey continues… hopefully… we continue to grow in our faith, learning and applying the knowledge… or wisdom… that we pick up along the way. The milestones, or hurdles, for each of us may be a little different. The timing and events that comprise my journey may be quite different from yours…

The biggest milestone along the journey, for me, was when my faith became bigger than the questions I had about God. I still have questions… some that are significant, some that are really itty bitty…

When my faith became bigger than the questions is the point in time when I can say my faith became most important… and the point at which I put God first in my life. That’s my biggest hurdle… my most important milestone to believe.

What has been your biggest hurdle along the journey to believe?