Don't be hypnotized by the hypotheticals

Don’t be hypnotized by the hypotheticals

Hypothetical paralysis… a Chris-ism for waiting around for something to happen, like a hypothetical. It’s a bummer. Waiting is paralyzing like a transmission that’s stuck in second gear. Low on fluid and out of get up and go. Further, hypotheticals are possibilities. Many are worth nurturing, just like chasing a dream. Being paralyzed by them is just not a great place to be.

A goal without a plan is simply a dream. It’s ok to dream but you have to convert. Many dreams are worth intentionally chasing. (Click To Tweet)

Been there? Done that.

Inaction is in itself a decision but not often a wise one. Contemplating? Sure, there’s a time and a place for pondering. Then again, to think is way different from hypothetical paralysis. Thinking should be a conscious choice that leads to action… here’s the special sauce: don’t get caught in hypothetical paralysis on a junta that is supposed to be a 3-hour tour.

Waiting on God, you may say? He’s actually waiting on us to take action in most scenarios!

“Where’s this God of yours?” Lieutenant Dan to Gump as they continue to throw down the nets, coming up empty every time. Sure it was discouraging at times, but they took action. Repeatedly doing the right thing. Then God showed up in a mighty way. Faithful obedience always pays off. The flood gates opened when He did arrive… first in the form of a mighty tropical cyclone… then, as He filled the nets of the only shrimp boat left.

Having the spirit of optimism and angelic appreciation is intangible… impossible to put a price on, worthy of awe. Captivating as seizing the moment. Vested destiny when we make the choice to take action.

Hypothetical paralysis… maybe we’re just looking through the wrong lens? No, not really. It’s similar to living in irrational fear. What do we have to fear when we have God on our side? If you want to fear something be afraid of lost opportunity. (Click To Tweet)

That is obvious.

Just showing up is never enough. Don’t let yourself get stuck in 2nd gear. Seize the moment. Chose to take action…

Have you ever been stuck on a hypothetical scenario or felt paralyzed by fear?

Image by Jeremy Fernsler on