This is a Coach Ale-ism, being able to persevere through the pain when running a race, when your body is telling you to stop but you must press on to accomplish your goal. It’s Mind Over Matter. Sometimes it happens when training as well. And in life, many times we’re challenged with chaos, turmoil and strife.

You will keep in perfect peace

him whose mind is steadfast,

because he trusts in You.

Isaiah 26:3

Isaiah, generally considered the greatest of the prophets, shared a message with people of his time that was difficult to listen to. How to turn from their lives of sin and warning them of God’s judgment and punishment. However, Isaiah also provided words of comfort, and a message of forgiveness, comfort and hope.

Yes, there is peace in Him when we keep our thoughts on and trust in God. So I chose this post for Happy Monday to try and provide a message to help us stand firm… in what are difficult times for many.

That’s Mind Over Matter.

Do you have any inspirational quotes, Bible verses or sayings that help you during difficult times?