I never really put too much thought into this until SC came up with this question a few days ago… “Do you think the Garden of Eden is still somewhere here on earth?”
It’s a good question, certainly. So we got to talking about it and looked at the Bible verses together…
After the fall of man, when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of good and evil, God was upset. His reaction, when speaking to Eve… “What is this you have done?” I think he was a little more than upset, I think we broke His heart.
So what did God do?
Well, among other things, he banished mankind from the Garden of Eden. Hasta la vista, baby… Chao… Auf Wiedersehen… whatever language they were speaking in the day, the message was clear. Utopia no more.
From Genesis, verse 3:24…
“After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.”
The cherubim were mighty angels of the Lord.
Everything changed on that day… oh so sorry, there is no going back unless God says so…
So we got to thinkin’…
He must have made it invisible to people. Sort of like how the International Quiddich Tournament in Harry Potter was surrounded by magic to make it invisible to muggles… that’s the SC’s read on the scene… the Garden of Eden is still here, we just can’t see it… because of the flaming sword guarding the way…
Yea, I know this sounds crazy, but why not?
I believe…
What do you think, is the Garden of Eden still somewhere here on Earth?
Interesting thought here Chris. I agree that if Eden is still physically on the Earth then it would be protected from us ever finding it.
However, I tend to consider that any remnant of it left on Earth would likely have been destroyed in Noah’s flood.
I don’t think God would want us pining away for a physical garden, because that would be looking for the right thing in the wrong place. The way for us to restore the kind of relationship we had in Eden is, of course, through Jesus’ blood.
Oh wow, that’s a good point… what happened to the Garden during the flood? Maybe the place could still be here, but the flood would have wiped out the original tree? IDK, just guessing… interesting fodder for sure…
So true about our relationship with God, we find it though Jesus.
Thank you Adam for adding to this convo 🙂
I’ve always thought that the garden was still here, somewhere on earth. Though Adam’s theory makes sense as well. Guess we won’t know unless He opens it back up or until we get to Heaven.
Wouldn’t it be cool to find out? You’re right, maybe when we get to heaven we’ll know… Thanks Joe!
Fun post, Chris. Yes, I think it’s here on earth but I don’t really worry too much about “where.”
What I love most about the Eden story is that before God banished Adam and Eve, he made them a set of traveling clothes. How’s that for a thoughtful and loving God?
lol… yea, He fixed them up with some sporty threads!
I always thought about this topic when I was growing up. I came up with some creative reasons why we can’t see or find it. I thought your thoughts are right on.
Thank you Dan, I really appreciate that!