Patience is a virtue we should all pursue
Have you ever prayed to God for something and felt Him telling you to be patient?
Patience is powerful stuff. It’s a fruit of the Spirit and an essential key to better relationships with God and other people.
We typically want things our way and in our own timing. What do you do when that doesn’t work out? Recently I had one of these experiences. I prayed a lot about it and God’s answer: Be patient. Repeatedly, those were His instructions.
So I waited. Here are 2 things the Lord has taught me through my experiences:
Sometimes when we’re patient, He will reveal that what we wanted wasn’t the right choice for us or His will for us.
When I’m patient, I make better decisions. I’ve made some pretty poor decisions when I was hasty. Unfortunately, we don’t get a do-over.
Paul points out in Romans 8:28 that if we obey and serve God as we should that everything will work out for our good.
More recently, I’m so glad I followed His instruction. You might say I woke up one morning with a bit of an epiphany. God revealed to me details that I didn’t know about me… and about other people. His instruction became clearer, and I feel at peace. His way is better than my way any day!
Often it’s also a matter of timing.
His timing, which is perfect. God doesn’t promise that He will answer our prayers right away. In fact, He may not answer them in exactly the way we desire.
Practicing patience as a virtue shows God that we trust in Him and have faith. (Click to Tweet)
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience†James 1:2-3
So there is a direct correlation between faith and patience.
Patience with other people shows love and respect.
This can be a challenge at times. Remember, though, somewhere along the line, someone had to be patient with you too!
1 Corinthians 13 is described as “The Way of Love.†An essential component of love in these verses is “long-suffering,†or patience.
Patience with others is a sign of honor, respect, and integrity. When someone asks us to be patient, we should. Following our agenda is not doing so, in our relationship with God or other people.
“Patience serves as protection against wrongs as clothes do against cold. For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases, it will have no power to hurt you. So in like manner you must grow in patience when you meet with great wrongs, and they will then be powerless to vex your mind.†Leonardo da Vinci
So true, being patient is also a good way to guard your heart, mind, and soul.
Therefore, have faith, and be patient. When we follow His will we find joy and peace whatever the circumstances.
Photo courtesy of Mike Barwood on flickr.com