Unity begins with… Capital U… (or me too)!

I ran across the following verse and when I started to think about it I felt it speaks directly to what I think Unity is all about…

“Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another, be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.” 1 Peter 3:8

the verse begins by calling all of us to live

life comes from God, right?

Living how?

I think of harmony as heavenly music… when all the instruments produce a beautiful work that none could accomplish on their own, or even two by two… it is, again, an all of us effort… “… united in thought and purpose.” 1 Corinthians 1:10

with one another?

yep, yep yep…

We can sum up all of our actions as either building up or tearing down when it comes to Unity. Whenever we face a decision or choice consider how your actions could impact Unity… am I really doing the right thing to bring Unity to my community? Is this all about me… or am I humbly considering the bigger picture?

Sympathy, love and compassion are next up…

This thought takes me back to an Andy moment…

Andy Stanley explains the power, beauty and majesty of the gospel like I’ve never heard before (can you hear the symphony too?)

click on Andy to listen to his message "everybody's invited"

Right before my recent blog-cation I wrote about our teaching pastor Andy Stanley and provided a link to a message he shared that I believe can be life changing to anyone who would listen to it… I’m providing the link here again for a different reason… “Unity Begins With…”

I wanted to share with you today a real story of Unity that exists within our community… it’s at Access Church. Our congregation is composed of a diverse group of people who come together with a passion to “lead people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.” That sounds good on the surface, but we all know that actions speak louder than words. Access is a place where peace, love and unity are alive… and it’s a place where I can be me. That’s important, since Unity begins with… ?

I hope that you too have found a church home where you see Unity and God’s love alive, growing and healthy… if not please pray for God to lead you to the right place!

Access is a place where…

I am accepted but my sin is not (and neither is it supported!)…

and where I am loved but not coddled.

Access is a place where church and life are fun and meaningful…

it’s why i can forgive…

why i can love…

why i can accept…

(sounds like sympathy, love and compassion, right?)

I believe when we have this moment when we “get it” our life begins to change…

and since Unity begins with U… or me… or each and every one of us…

that’s why I wrote this exciting news about Peace Love & Unity here today 🙂

It’s why and what we want everyone to know!

How could you improve on Capital U today to help bring Unity to your community?