
My Blog

Are We Alone In The Plot With An Eternal Result?: Part 1

I was watching an Andy Andrews podcast recently, and he was talking about how we have to escape thinking through an incomplete thought. Incomplete thoughts are dangerous. Well, not like tornadoes or anything, but still. We want to think things through. Granted...

Turning Thoughts Into Action

Holy cow I haven’t written on here for a long time! God took me on a bit of a tangent for a while. That was great working at my church, and I learned a lot about people and ministry. Oh yeah, and a wee bit more about Information Technology. I felt God nudging me...

Inhale… Exhale… And Thank God For The Stromatolites!

Next time you take a breath of fresh air thank a Stromatolite. And God. Why? The cauliflower-looking "rocks" are responsible for the development of our atmosphere and bio-diversity. So are they rocks, or not? Well, yes. And no. Let me explain... these layered rocks...

Oh For The Acts Of God And An Orogeny Or Two

Acts of God. It's written into many contracts. I contemplated it recently... The burning bush was an act of God. As was the flood. The parting of the Red Sea? Yep. Would have loved to see that one! "It's funny Lieutenant Dan said that because right then, God showed...

More Than We Could Have Imagined…

I arrive back from 8 days on the mission field with a new and refreshed perspective. Amazed once again to see God working through and in the people we touched as well as within me and my teammates who made the trip, it is so hard to process and articulate completely...

The Evil Lure Of Being Busy

Here's the scenario: a friend asks how you are doing. "Busy," you reply. Busy. Great! What does that really say? We're all busy doing something, right? We all want to be busy doing good things. However, we miss the point of interaction when we say "I'm busy!" Next...

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