I’m writing today as a contributor to the Christian Writers Blog Chain. Our theme for this month is Forward. Christianwriters.com is an excellent place to network if you’re a Christian writer or author.

A new way to look at you'll never walk alone.

A new way to look at you’ll never walk alone.

So you want to change the world? What you do today will affect your future, and how you will be living tomorrow. When I think back to my past there are many things I would possibly change. But then I start to think… I’m blessed with an amazing family, having 4 generations of family that live within 3 miles of each other, and I see my grandchildren nearly every day; I’m in a solid, healthy relationship; my heath is excellent for a man my age (If you’re wondering I’ll be 5-0 this year!); and I’m living a dream in being able to fulfill a life-long ambition to be an author and write books. That’s not to say everything is perfect. While I do tend to focus on the positive, there are many challenges for me, like everyone, on my daily walk through life. I feel extraordinarily blessed with joy, peace and love in my life, and if I could and did change the past, would I be in the same place right now? I don’t know, but I can share this with you: my experiences from the past have helped to shape the person that I am today, and I’m thankful for that.

Every day I have an opportunity to change the world. It starts with two choices: I choose to focus on changing me. I choose to be kind. Some days it seems we’re so caught up with our very own agenda we forget the capacity to change the world through simple acts of loving kindness.

So you want to change the world? Here’s my advice on the starting point:

  • It only happens in the present. “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We only have today. Let us begin.” Mother Teresa. Enough said.
  • I have to begin with me. If you’re spending your time trying to conform to the norm and be a part of the herd maybe consider focusing on that one relationship that means the most… a personal relationship with Jesus. Our witness… that testimony we give before God. It’s our true self – our character when the lights are out. Is that really me? Yep, while I may not always want to admit it, that’s really me… it’s the stuff we find in our heart. But that’s just where the journey begins… that’s where we have a choice to make. The most important choice in trying to changing the world is to make the one choice every day to take a step forward.

Real change begins within me and only ends when, for example, the bad habit, whatever that may be, is broken… that’s a good start. Then, and only then, can a transformation of the heart occur. That occurs one day at a time. Then I can receive the joy and hope found in the Holy Spirit, and be a disciple…

Jesus said, “I now send you, to open their eyes . . . that they may receive forgiveness of sins . . .” Acts 26:17-18

Every day we have a new opportunity to change the world. I want to change the world. I want to change me. I’m ready to take a step forward. It feels good. I’m eager to share this experience with others, through kindness and the model that Jesus gave me. Will you join me?

Christian Writers Blog Chain

Christian Writers Blog Chain