Hi, I’m Chris Vonada and this is where I write about my faith journey!
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The Latest Blog Posts
Why “Guard Your Heart” is for Everybody
Guard your heart. It’s from the Bible verse, Proverbs 4:23. Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. The subject of my book, The Wellspring of Life. The verse came to me several years ago through a sermon delivered at a church I didn’t normally attend....
A New Way to Think About Charging Into the New Year!
New Year's resolutions… we’ve ALL made them, right? A recent article in Forbes suggests that just 8% of us actually achieve these goals. That’s discouraging from the get go. Consequently, many people just give up on making...
Connecting the Dots in Real Time
Connecting the dots. It’s easy to connect the dots in a coloring book. Simply follow the numbers and the image is revealed. It could be a sailboat. Or a dog. It’s so easy any 6 year old can tackle the assignment. The trail of this metaphor reveals something more....
What’s Your Best Day Ever?
What’s your best day ever? Investing topic that came up recently with a few friends. They rattled it off without hesitation. I had to think about it a bit... If you’re a frequent reader, you know that I love making memories. I call them “keepers†- those...
The Beauty of Second Chances
I believe in second chances. Where the heck would I be without one? Nowhere. Exactly. Maybe whatever happened the first time around was out of your control. For instance, say your spouse passed away. Does that mean God wants you to be alone? Of course not! It’s...