That's the place!

That’s the place!

Just over a year ago the church where I am connected found a home. We had been a “portable church” for 5 years (I’ve been there for 3.5 years now…). Being a portable church was a challenge. There was a small group of people who showed up to church very early on Sunday morning to help unpack 30,000 pounds of our environments from a truck and trailer to set up for our services. Because we had a solid group of people contributing to the effort it was accomplished in just a few hours before and after the service.

After we moved into a facility our lives changed a little and became much easier.


No longer were people showing up for church at 6 am. Now, we could sleep in on Production Team and show up at 7:15. Many other people who used to come in at 7:00 could now show up to volunteer for activities as late as 9:00. This was more dramatic than it may appear as our service time was moved up one hour, and we now have two services instead of just one. Before, many volunteers didn’t even have an opportunity to sit in worship service. A few would show up for the early rehearsal to sing to God.

Here are the two apparent changes that I noticed when our portable church landed:

  • We lost some level of connection that we had experienced before. I was having breakfast with one of the elders from church not too long ago and we were talking about how we both missed connecting with other people at the church in the same was we used to when the church was portable. I couldn’t put my finger on why and he zeroed in on the reason… we no longer spent time with the folks we had come to enjoy volunteering along side. Now, if we saw them at church it was a very brief smile and hello. We still have the camaraderie within the service teams, but it doesn’t feel as we’re as connected as before. I miss that.
  • Our church grew. Once we moved into a facility that seemed to be more permanent we instantly blossomed. Part of that seems to have been the location, an existing church property in an established residential neighborhood. Maybe the most exciting part of this growth is in the children’s ministries. Lots of new faces everywhere. That is exciting to be a part of.

Our pastor Rich Barrett always emphasizes trying to make an impact on our city. I see that happening at Access Church in so many ways. Praise God. This place is diverse.

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. Henri Bergson

Sometimes being responsive to change is a healthy sign of maturity. Change usually involves uncertainty. We often get comfortable in our setting, and change can be scary. We never know what new possibility that change may bring about. Think of change as a new opportunity to see the world differently…

It is not the strongest of the species that survive nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Charles Darwin (Click To Tweet)

I don’t know what God has in store through the changes occurring at my church, but it is pretty exciting to watch it unfold!

The Q: Do you find yourself wanting to go back in time due to change? How do you see God at work in your world through the opportunity created by change?